Our story started back in 2014. Wanting to represent his central Indiana home, our founder came up with a design and posted it to teepsring.com. Back then, everything on Teepspring was screen printed in limited run batches. Our first design for the neighborhood of Haughville sold a couple runs. That design is now long lost. But the seed was laid. Several social media pages were created and then mostly left dormant.

Over the next several years we tried various other printing platforms. This including getting onto one of the worlds largest online marketplaces… Amazon.com. We have had shirts on Amazon for years and will continue to have many designs on there. But, all printing, shipping, quality control, and support are handled by Amazon for anything on there. Unfortunately, we can’t do much if anything goes wrong with one of their prints.

We started several other unrelated brands while learning the business. Slowly growing what was a hobby into something more.

In 2020, we felt the urge and return to our roots.  Complete rebuild of soindy.com began. We have more control over what we sell. With that, we hope to deliver a higher quality than ever before.